Passion for Data
Frontend/Full Stack Developer
React, Python, SQL, Typescript
Lifetime Student and endlessly curious
Graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dual degree in Information Technology & Web Science and Business Analytics.





Data Scraping

Data Cleaning

Data Visualizing

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York
August 2019 – May 2023
Dual B.S. in Information Technology & Web Science and Business Analytics – Senior
United World College of South East Asia, Singapore
August 2015 – May 2019
International Bachelorette Program – Computer Science, Economics and Physics
Digital Path Intern, Perspectum Ltd
July 2024 - Now
Creating internal system to onboard global partners onto Perspectum website
Creating Python script on AWS Lambda to automate Jira ticket creation for medical sites where there are problems to address
Digital Path Intern, Perspectum Ltd
October 2023 - July 2024
Redesigned an internal React app for one of our main clients, implementing a dynamic custom task view for better usability
Developed a Python script script to create test data for internal development environment, producing variable length, schema specific fake data
Create an internal dashboard to track monthly billing for pathologists on Retool, giving the ability for governance and observability
Data Science Intern, Snapcart Global
September & October of 2021
Implemented a Python script as part of an existing OCR (Optical Character Recognition) process developed in-house to replace outsourced OCR service
Worked in an Agile team to construct a model that matches receipt items to their corresponding price, quantity, and discount
Utilized Google Cloud Platform to store over 4400 data points on individual retail items
Used scikit-learn Classification Report to optimize the balance of accuracy, precision and recall of the model, improving the accuracy of the model from 83% to 94%
Software Engineering Intern, IOI Properties Group Berhad
November & December of 2021
Developed a file extraction program using RPA software, UiPath, that collects 8 types of monthly reports to be saved locally for further processing
Automated the document extraction process using Task Scheduler, saving 2 working days for the IOI Properties Group sales department every month
Wrote custom code for functions in UiPath that auto fills document search details using JavaScript
NYS Health Department Project
August 2022 - November 2022
Source Code: http://github.com/KennethLeeJE8/health-data-NY
Extracted raw CSV data from NYS Health Department Restaurant Inspection database and utilized Microsoft SQL Server to build a Data Warehouse with over 21000 data points
Created Template Queries and Cubes to abstract the data retrieval process
IOI Properties Data Scraping
June 2022 – August 2022
Source Code: github.com/KennethLeeJE8/datascraping-lowyat
Built an ETL Pipeline to scrape over 2000 online forums comments to gain public consensus on IOI Properties Group’s brand
Filtered and formatted text data by keywords into Microsoft Excel with Python’s xlrswriter
Amazon Sentiment Analysis
May 2021 - August 2021
Source Code: kaggle.com/code/kennethleeje8/amazon-sentiment-analysis
Conducted Sentiment Analysis on Amazon reviews from Kaggle dataset using NLP tools such as Bag-OfWords and TF-IDF
Leveraged GridSearchCV to tune the hyper-parameters of the SVC and Linear SVC models used
Pi Delta Psi Inc, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York
President - 2021-2022
Lead a fraternity of 12 brothers to organize cultural fundraisers, such as Bubble Tea Sales and Valentine’s Day Rose Sales, raising a total of USD800 that was donated to Stop AAPI Hate.
Conducted a dumpling and sushi making workshop with an attendance of 50+ people
Business Society, United World College, Singapore
Vice Chair - 2017-2018
Coordinated and led weekly meetings on building businesses for a class of 40 student entrepreneurs
Facilitated students in establishing enterprises within the school (3 successful enterprises selling seasonal candles, T-shirts on campus and fruit sorbets) with profits upwards of 400SGD each